
Practice Profile

Dr Howland has the latest Philips EPIQ 7W scanner (top of the range) with 3D/4D capability and superb image quality.

Scans are done for Dr Howland’s own patients in pregnancy and for his gynaecology patients. This reduces costs for his patients. Patients can be referred from other doctors for pregnancy scans and gynaecology scans.

Dr Howland and his wife Sue keep up to date with the latest methods of monitoring pregnancies and how to predict and reduce problems later in the pregnancy.

Most of the nuchal/13week scans, the 20 week scans and the placental function scans are done by Sue, who is a highly qualified and experienced nationally accredited sonographer.

Pregnancy Scans

Pregnancy scanning includes:

  • Early pregnancy assessment and dating
  • Ectopic pregnancies
  • Assessment of chromosomal disorders (nuchal translucency scans)
  • Early assessment for abnormalities (best at around 13 weeks)
  • Early prediction of early severe high blood pressure
  • Morphology scans (the big scan to check for abnormalities, best at 20-21 weeks)
  • Foetal growth and placental function Placental position
  • Bleeding in pregnancy
  • Assessment of cervix for incompetence or premature labour risk.

From 34 weeks John checks the amniotic fluid volume and the blood flow in the baby’s head. This can detect often unsuspected severe placental dysfunction (foetal distress) and should reduce the incidence of unexpected stillbirth. This is an exciting new development.

John has a quick look with the ultrasound scanner at each antenatal visit

Gynaecology Scans

Gynaecology scanning includes assessment of:

  • Pelvic pain and its location
  • Heavy periods Irregular bleeding
  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Fibroids Polyps Ovarian cysts
  • Pelvic masses
  • “lost” Mirena or IUCD
  • Ectopic pregnancies